
Friday 5 October 2012

Day 14 – Hilmorton to Napton

Our last cruising day starts in beautiful sunshine and Anthea & Lizzie walk the towpath for some miles.  After re-joining Digitlas we are chased by really black clouds as we head back towards Braunston.  We press on in the hope that they don’t catch us up.  At Braunston we turn right towards Napton, somehow the clouds seem not to have followed us, so we sat in the sun to eat our sandwiches.  No sooner had we finished lunch when the black clouds sneak up behind us and seizing their opportunity, dump a load of really cold rain on us before we have a chance to get the canopy up.  Now thoroughly wet we cruise on to Napton and back to the Marina. Upon reflection and  overlooking the recent wetting, we agree we have had a splendid fortnight, re-enforcing our decision to change our lifestyle.

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