
Saturday 22 December 2012

Pre-Christmas Break

On Saturday 22nd December we arrived at Napton to spend two nights aboard Digitalis with our daughter Julie who was back from Australia for a two week break.  This was the first time Julie had seen Digitalis although she had heard much about our Narrowboat from our telephone conversations.  Saturday was a relaxing day spent bottling the Sloe Gin and consuming the excess that wouldn’t fit back in the original gin bottles!For our sleeping arrangements we had to use the sofa bed for the first time and although it was not uncomfortable, getting the cushions in the right place was likened to playing “The Generation Game” at both ends of each day.  We have now decided that this sofa will be replaced by two single reclining chairs in 2013 and an inflatable matress when guests are onboard.

Sunday we had a table booked at the Folly Inn in Napton for a family Christmas Lunch. It was very special to have all the family together for the first time in 5 years.  As usual the food was excellent and the day was thoroughly enjoyed by everyone. It was great to watch the bond between our Grandchildren William and Georgia as they got to know their Auntie Julie. 

Monday morning saw us returning home to make ready for the Christmas festivities on dry land.

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