
Monday 31 December 2012

Summary of 2012

Although it may appear from reading the blog so far that we haven't done as much cruising as we intended, we have spent a great deal of time on board Digitalis in the marina.  This has enabled us to become familiar with the boat and make some 'adjustments' as its difficult to improve or alter something that is, pretty much, as you would want it.  Here are some of the adjustments we have made:-
  • Despite being an electrical engineer I engaged a marine electrician to help me 'unpack' some of the mysteries of the boats electrics.  The result was an in depth understanding of the electrics and the need to make some minor changes.  The split diode charger was changed to a voltage dependant relay which is a altogether much more efficient way splitting the charge between the starter battery and the bow thruster battery.  It was found that the battery charger had 3 outputs but only one was being used. The 2 spare outputs are now both used, one to charge the starter battery and the other to charge the bow thruster battery.  This way everything is kept fully charged whilst in the marina.
  • We decided to spring clean the bathroom, which got a bit out of hand as I only wanted to regrout the tiles in the shower.  I disassembled the the shower cubicle because it was in the way,only to find I needed a new hinge for the door.  After some investigation I discovered the company, Fordham, who made the shower cubicle have been taken over by Jacuzzi UK.  Now this company are extremely helpful and I emailed them a photo of the shower cubicle and the broken parts, they were able to replace the at a more than reasonable cost.  Well worth the effort as the bathroom and shower look as good as new.
  • Every interior lamp has been replaced by LED's from Braunston Chandlery
  • New carpet tiles throughout
  • An accumulator is now fitted in the water system to prevent the water filter facet from hissing and spitting under the direct pressure of the water pump
  • A seven day timer and frost stat has been fitted to the Webasto by Webasto Marine at Evesham

1 comment:

  1. I got here much interesting stuff. The post is great! Thanks for sharing it! Regrout Shower
